Saturday 19 January 2013

Your Guide To Recovering From A Workout

Your Guide To Recovering From A Workout


What Is Recovery?

Recovery is an important part of any workout programme - whether your goal is losing weight or gaining muscle -  and takes place the moment you conclude your exercise session and it can take days for your muscles to fully repair and grow. Your body adapts to the stresses placed on it from your workout session during the recovery phase, and with recovery taking up a far larger portion of your workout programme, it's no wonder recovery is so important.

What Is Passive Recovery?

Passive recovery involves doing nothing strenuous on days off from your exercise sessions, not even light exercise. They are leisurely days you spend sitting around watching TV, surfing the net, reading a book and just basically lazing around.

What Is Active Recovery?

Active recovery involves light exercise on days off from your gruelling exercise sessions. They can take the form of almost any activity as long as you're not exerting yourself too much. Keep in mind that active recovery sessions are supposed to be light and easy compared to your typical workout sessions. 

For More Info On Active Recovery, Read Our Article: How Active Recovery Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Hydration And Recovery

Blood is about 50% water and is responsible for transporting nutrients through the body, more specifically, to those sore muscles. Drinking enough water ensures proper blood circulation which promotes faster muscle recovery.

Nutrition For Muscle Recovery

Protein - Consuming protein is important for muscle growth and recovery. Muscle proteins that have been broken down due to exercise need to be replaced through protein synthesis for them to grow.

Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates will be broken down to sugars which will then be converted to energy for muscles tired and sore from exercise.

Antioxidants - Exercise increases the production of free radicals which cause cell damage and oxidative stress, antioxidants like vitamin C and E help offset the production of free radicals and it's effects.

Nutrient Timing

There are two post workout windows that are the most ideal for nutrient absorption, the first 30 minutes post exercise and the following 90 minutes. One approach to getting the most out of these windows is to consume a liquid meal during the first 30 minutes post workout as it might be difficult having solid food immediately after exercising, and having a proper meal of solid food within the following 90 minutes.


Lack of sleep may decrease the efficiency of protein synthesis, without those 8 hours of rest, your body might take longer to recover from your workout sessions.

"Do you get sore muscles from exercise? Share with us your workout recovery experiences!" ~ Nick

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